Friday, September 16, 2011

Don't assume the box store is always cheaper.

A-lot of people tell us they wish they had NOT bought their mower from a 'Big Box' store. 

 There is a false assumption that the box stores are cheaper and easier to deal with.
Not so fast,  check out this video....

This is the Quest by Exmark. it has  52" deck  & 24 H.P.  Kawasaki V-Twin.

And  we sell them all day long for just $3,599!

DON'T FORGET, when you buy it from the box, YOU have to get it back to the box for repairs.
The store then sends your mower out somewhere else for repair. 
 Plan on waiting 3 weeks or more to get it back!
To see what you should expect from a dealer? Visit

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Please don't got stuck like this poor guy!
    Yesterday I got a call from an incredibly frustrated (and now $200 poorer) d.i.y'er whose ATV would not start. "won't even crank over!" He told me. "I've replaced the starter and the solenoid. Still nothing!"
     He said he was embarrassed to call, but was out of options. I ran him through a couple of quick tests over the phone and reminded him that we, or any auto part store for that matter, would have tested the starter for free.
One .35 cent fuse later...It was running great.
Please, don't ever hesitate to call or email me with your problems. 
I'm no rocket doctor, I've just been repairing outdoor power equipment for over 2 decades.
It is definitely a joy to help you!    Just Visit