Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to move a non-running zero turn lawn mower

I am always amazed at the many phone calls I get regarding moving a zero turn mower that won't start.
For those of you who've never been in this situation, let me explain.
A zero turn mower uses hydraulic fluid pressure to turn the wheels.
 Even a non running mower has Hydraulic pressure at the wheels.
That pressure is so much that you can't push the machine.

This situation is easily remedied. A pressure release mechanism is built into every hydraulic pump.

 Basically there are 2 types.

1) A bolt on the pump that you can turn counter-clockwise 3/4 turn. (usually has a hole going through it.)

2) Residential units have 2 rods at the front or rear inside of the drive wheels that you push/pull.

It's just that easy! But, if you still can't find them, call us. we'll run you through it.

(615) 667-1647

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Whiskey and the Weedeater

     Recently we had a customer drop off a weed trimmer for repair. After a full check-up I determined that the machine was too damaged to repair.So I left a voicemail with the bad news.
     When the customer came in to pick it up, THE SMELL OF WHISKEY FILLED THE ROOM even before the front door was shut.
Partially because it was such a strong odor, and possibly also because it took him a while to get the door closed behind him, what with his foot still in it like that.
     The next several minutes went something like this....
"Here is your machine Mr. Smith. Sorry it was beyond repair"
"That's not my machine, Mine had an engine on it"
"You're holding it upside down Mr. Smith"
"Oh! Well, this still isn't mine, mine is green"
"That IS green, Mr. Smith"
"I don't believe it, we'll see about this"
He stormed out the door slamming it 3 times behind him.
(On the third slam he finally got the trimmer all the way through the door.)
     I can't tell you how surprised I was to see Mr. Smith back  at the shop 2 days later.
 He apologized for his behavior and said that it
WAS his trimmer after all and, according to his wife he was obligated to buy his new one from us.
     We gave Mr. Smith a $25 dollar credit for the diagnosis he had us do on
 the 'upside down- not green- not mine' trimmer and all was good!
As he left, Mr. Smith assured us nothing like this would ever happen again.
"my wife says I'm only allowed 'STORE BOUGHT' WHISKEY from now on!"